Thursday, June 10, 2010


The apparent Perfect-Southern-Baptist-Christian's ideology regarding facebook:
"Thou must insert scripture in at least 92.6% of all status updates". Such prevalent doctrine is evidenced by the fact that I can usually have a Bible study by simply scrolling through my fb homepage.

I think this is great. It's an indication that my friends take 1 Corinthians 10:31 to heart. And while I'm encouraged by their willingness to share what God is showing them via scripture, I disagree when they say Christians should be compelled to use social networks as a means of doing so.

Personally, when I have Jesus-related statuses, my frame of mind is not always "I want to exalt the Lord". Rather, it tends to be more of "I want everyone to know what an awesome Christian I am". Such arrogance is sin, and I'm ashamed of it. It's a heart issue that prompts me to, for the time being, not quote the entire bible via status updates.

To be concise (and prevent great bodily harm from befalling me), I DO NOT believe any of my friends have such a mentality. I'm merely conveying why Christians are not obligated to use their social networks to post scripture.

That is all.

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